Skull Rock
This site is a walk-in site. Guests park vehicles in the main lot near the lodge. Skull Rock is one of the favorite primitive hike-in campsites available at Camp Takimina. A 5 to 10-minute hike from the parking lot takes you past Thelan Meadow and Hobbit Camp, across 'Slippery Rock' and a creek, to find Skull Rock campsite, named for a rock that was shaped like a skull. Look for Robbie's Magical Musical Cedar Tree, named by a creative camper who loved to drum on the limbs to make woodland melodies. Want to practice your bushcraft skills? Skull Rock is the perfect campsite for you! A fire ring and room for 1 or two small tents are available on this wooded site. Water and toilets are available back near the parking lot and the Lodge. This campsite is a great jumping-off point to explore the 30 acres of trails Camp Takimina has to offer, and enjoy a peaceful few days truly camping in the woods!

Fire Pit